As a resource to all current and prospective students, Allied Schools, Inc. has developed this blog to provide relevant information to students, job-seekers and professionals alike. Use this blog as your "career guide," turning to Allied Schools for industry updates, career trends, and job search advice. We thank you for visiting!
Career Guidance: Multitasking: Friend or Foe?
Multitasking: Friend or Foe?
In today's society, multitasking has become the norm. People are trying to do too many things at once, which has resulted in a juggling act. Work and personal commitments are on the rise, and people are scrambling to get everything done. The thought is that if you can do two things at once, you can save time and take on more responsibility.
Is this a smart way to operate? You might try to talk on the phone, read your e-mail and jot down a few notes all at once. Or you might schedule after-work activities that leave you with no time for yourself. Trying to do it all is a common theme among adults. Today, we are faced with more opportunities, we have higher expectations, and we want everything in an instant.
The truth is, when you are not 100 percent focused on the task at hand, you are more likely to make mistakes.
You can save yourself from having to do things more than once by:
- Concentrating on one task at a time and completing it before moving to the next.
- Finishing a conversation without interruptions or starting another.
- Knowing your limits and learning to say “no.”
- Staying focused and concentrating on the present.
- Plan and prioritize! Not all tasks require immediate attention.
- Set specific goals and pace yourself so that things get done right the first time.
Also, remember to schedule time for yourself. If you are overworked and overtired, you won't have the ability or energy to complete your tasks.Labels: foe, friend, Job Success, MultiTasking
Career Guidance: Is a career change in your future?
Is a career change in your future?
Answer the following questions either "Yes" or "No":
Have you felt that your true skills and talents were not put to good use in your previous jobs?
Do you feel that the work you're currently doing is unfulfilling?
Do you feel restless, like there is "something else" that you should be doing, but are not sure what?
Do you feel that you're capable of doing more with your life?
Do you dread Monday mornings?
If you answered "Yes" to two or more of these questions, then maybe it's time to consider a career change. Making a career change is a serious decision. It's not just about changing your job; it's about changing your entire future. Of course, any kind of change can be scary, but as the old saying goes, "Do what you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life." Ideally, it makes sense to find work that is best suited toward your talents – you'll be happier, and in turn, you'll be more productive!
What's Next?
So by now you might be thinking about a career change, but how do you sort it all out? First do a little self assessment. What are your talents? Take a second to daydream. If you could do absolutely anything for a living, what would it be? Now think about reality. What are the outside factors that might influence your decision? Family? Money? While it's great to dream, it's just as important to be practical. You could need more training or education, you may have to relocate to a different city, or you'll need to save money for a certain length of time – all to make your career change happen!
It's also a good idea to spend time researching the field you'd like to enter. The Internet is a great place to start. Also, find someone who has your "dream job" and ask them why they chose that particular field, what they love most about their job, and what they don't. Get information about the pay, the typical environment, the stress level and so on. Next, make a list of the specific actions you'll need to take to achieve your goal. How long would it take to get the education you need? Who can you contact for informal interviews? Write it down. Create a timeline for turning your goal into a reality.
Remember, if changing careers seems impossible given your previous experience (or lack thereof), keep in mind that even if you have no direct experience in the field you want to enter, you probably have a long list of transferable skills. The ability to effectively communicate is just one example of a valuable skill that all employers are looking for. Being detail-oriented, organized and creative are other important transferable skills.
The transition into a new career doesn't happen overnight. However, with a lot of hard work and self-evaluation, you can find a satisfying new career. Good luck!Labels: Career Counseling, Career Guide
When you mail, fax or e-mail your resume, it might be number 58 out of 108 resumes that the Human Resources Director sees that week. So how can you make your resume stand out from the rest?
We don't advocate anything wacky like sending your resume along with an extra-large pepperoni pizza. (Believe it or not, desperate candidates have done this!) However, we are saying that if you make your resume "dynamic" enough, it can land you the interview!
NOTE: All of the following methods will work regardless of whether you create a chronological resume (organized by job titles, starting from the most recent) or a functional resume (with less emphasis on work history, greater emphasis on skills and accomplishments).
SECRET #1: Add Plenty of Action Verbs - Action verbs are the strongest way to describe your previous job responsibilities and accomplishments. Dynamic words like achieved, streamlined, created, managed, or implemented can make your resume come alive. Just remember to use present tense verb phrases for the job you currently hold and past tense for former jobs.
SECRET # 2: Quantify Your Experiences - This one takes a little bit of effort, but it's worth it! Instead of listing just your duties or responsibilities, list your actual accomplishments. This includes adding details, facts, data or numbers. Employers are interested in discovering how you saved money, increased sales, or solved a problem.Examples:Supervised four employees. Created a 120 page report outlining the company's marketing and sales plan. Implemented a new cost-cutting plan that saved the company $20K annually.
SECRET #3: List Your Transferable Skills - You have more skills than you realize! Transferable skills are really "life skills" acquired either on the job or through any other activity, like parenting, volunteer projects, classes and so on. Employers in every industry are searching for candidates who possess excellent organizational, communication and problem-solving skills.
Labels: Career Guide, interview, Resume
Career Guidance: Distance Education and You
You've decided that you want a change. Maybe you want to start a new career or advance your current situation. However, you might work, have family responsibilities, or live far away from a school. What do you do? Distance education enables you to complete your coursework away from an actual school campus. Think of it as a virtual classroom. You independently prepare for a new career through online or traditional home study courses. This enables you to be in charge of your future, with the ability to make your own decisions regarding every aspect of your education.
In today's society, distance education is becoming a necessary alternative to traditional face-to-face instruction. With a greater percentage of students balancing academics, careers and families, there is a growing need for different educational methods.
Benefits of Distance Education
Distance education is on the rise. With availability, enrollment and course offerings dramatically increasing in the last decade, there is a greater need for quality home study programs. More individuals are taking advantage of the distance learning option.
It provides you with the following benefits:
- Flexible schedule - learn on your own time and at your own pace.
- Convenient setting - attend class from almost any location.
- Accessible materials - retrieve class materials at any time.
- Relevant content - gain real-world experience.
- Ease of use - easily access course materials.
- Work/family balance - keep your job and maintain the responsibilities in your life while you train.
Start your new future today. Enroll in a distance education program!Labels: Career Builder, Continuing Education, Distance Education