As a resource to all current and prospective students, Allied Schools, Inc. has developed this blog to provide relevant information to students, job-seekers and professionals alike. Use this blog as your "career guide," turning to Allied Schools for industry updates, career trends, and job search advice. We thank you for visiting!
I am sure you are familiar with the old idiom that the lowest member of the organization is the most important representative of the organization as a whole. Who is the first person that conveys the image or attitude of a company? Often times it is the telephone operator or the assistant at the reception desk. Starting in the mailroom and working your way up the corporate ladder may seem like a tedious and unwelcome task, but it is a necessary one. Although no one expects you to take a job that you are overqualified for, it is important to know how every job within your organization is performed. A valuable and knowledgeable employee is the key to an organization's competitive advantage.
When looking for a job, be sure to convey your versatility to your future employer. Don't be afraid to share you knowledge base no matter how insignificant it may seem at the time. If you are a highly technical medical biller, showing your knowledge of medical terminology and small business management principles will make you more valuable to the company interviewing you. A manager needs to know that the people they hire have the ability to multitask and pick up the slack if another member of the team is unavailable.
When you become part of a company take the time to introduce yourself to the different departments within the organization. For instance, just because you are a marketing professional does not mean that you cannot and should not communicate with the accounting or human resources department. You never know when you will need the advice or assistance of another department. It is better to build your relationships in the beginning of your career instead of waiting until an urgent need arises and you do not have the proper contacts or working relationships put into place.
Don't be afraid to branch out. It is much harder for a company to "let someone go" if they are heavily integrated within the company. A person who makes themselves valuable on many different levels will become an important asset to the company. Improve your employability through continuing education and other specialized on-the-job training. If there is a new tool or technique that you can learn, do it! Challenging yourself today will benefit your entire career. Be the invaluable employee your company can depend on for mailroom sorting and executive-level strategy planning.Labels: Career Guide, Continuing Education, medical biller, MultiTasking, small business management
In today's business world, seminars are used frequently to teach business professionals the latest and greatest business and management tools. But there is a major flaw to the live seminar infrastructure; they do not provide one-on-one instruction. Instead, seminars herd a large group of people into one room or conference hall for a day or two where "one" instructor or seminar host spouts forth "his" viewpoint or experience on the latest business module/buzzword/management style/corporate thingamabob. In other words, seminars provide attendants with watered-down, bullet-pointed information on a narrow topic (at a couple hundred bucks a head to boot).
So why do business professionals continue to attend these seminars? It's simple; they've never considered distance education.
Distance education is an amazing innovation that has been around for centuries. Distance education (also know as home study) allows you to go at your own pace. There's no need to squish a semester's worth of information into a two-day seminar. With distance education, you have the flexibility to learn the latest business components at your own pace and from the comfort of home (not a drafty conference hall).
Today, thousands of instructional business courses are available through the convenience of home study. Distance education has torn down the modular walls and hard plastic chairs of conference centers and replaced them with all the comforts of your own home. Distance education is quickly gaining recognition as the convenient alternative to classroom/conference hall instruction and could one day overshadow live seminars completely.Labels: Business Professionals, detc, Distance Education, distance learning, online school
Career Guidance: The Four P's of Job Success Professionalism - Personality - Punctuality - People
People in the marketing field know the four P's of marketing: product, price, promotion and place. Today I share with you the four P's of job success. I'm sure it's not a surprise to anyone that a person's job success depends on many different factors. Some of these factors we cannot control, but many of them we can. If we have the ability to help ourselves and take charge in our career, why not do so?
Professionalism: Be proud of who you are and present that image to your employer.
During the initial interview, your interviewer will be looking for certain characteristics. He or she will note how you talk, how you hold yourself. Do you have a firm handshake or do you constantly avoid eye contact? These may be of little significance to you, but to a future employer these signs show who you are and what your work ethic is. Professionalism spans beyond the quality of work you produce. It plays an integral part in your interactions with other employees and customers. Remember, who would you want representing you?
Personality: Having a good personality doesn't mean we have to be the class clown or prom queen (or king).
Personality is your key to winning people over. Having a genuine love of people will help you build relationships with your customers and coworkers. Be kind, courteous, friendly, and patient with those around you. If you are a new hire at a company, don't walk into your workplace with an air of arrogance. Humble yourself in front of others and be willing to learn from those who have years of experience. Likewise, if you have been an employee of a company for many years, be willing to adjust to new people and new trends. No one likes to work with the office grump!
Punctuality:This is very simple.
No matter what your schedule is like, no matter how insignificant you think it might be, BE ON TIME. There is no excuse to be late. It looks bad and it shows a lack of respect for all parties involved.
People:Learn to like people even if you don't.
Nothing in this world can be achieved without the help of others. You will learn to depend on others in your personal and professional life, and every one of the P's mentioned in this article will assist you in working well with others. Starting a new job requires integrating your own personality with the personality of your coworkers. If you are still in the interviewing process, show your future employer that you appreciate the chance to work one-on-one with others. People skills sell! Labels: Career Builder, Career Guide, Job Success
Career Spotlight:Customer Service + You = Career Success!
Good customer service is necessary for business success. The way a business treats its customers directly affects its sales numbers and return business. Business owners and managers know the importance of customer service quite well and implement programs at every level of business to ensure customer satisfaction. This includes hiring employees who know the value of customer service and, more importantly, know how to properly deal with customers.
What is Customer Service? Customer service involves more than just smiling and greeting. It involves attention, concern, retention, assistance, and more. Most importantly, good customer service creates positive word-of-mouth. Having positive word-of-mouth from past customers is the best kind of promotion any company can have. That's why employers prefer to hire employees who have proven customer service skills, and can help create positive word-of-mouth for a company.Labels: Career Builder, Customer Service, word-of-mouth
Career Guidance: Don't Be a Character – HAVE Character
Have you ever heard the old adage: "Your word is all you have?" It's true. What good is anything we say or do if we don't have the trust and respect of others? Building character is like setting the foundation of a house; brick by brick we firmly plan ourselves in society, gaining the trust, respect, and responsibility we deserve. No matter what career we choose to embark upon, whether it's medical, real estate, or business, we need to present ourselves as stewards of society.
Recent ethical scandals have placed a black cloud over the business community. Shareholders and employees alike look to their management with skeptical eyes. We have been forced to think that all management is out for themselves. This is not true. For every bad corporate manager, there are a thousand great ones. Present yourself to your future employer in the light that you would like to be seen in.
Interviewers are looking for ethical and responsible employees who take the welfare of their company and coworkers seriously. When in an interview don't act like a character and present yourself in a foolish manner; have character and prove to your interviewer that you are a highly ethical employee who follows the rules, takes the welfare of the company seriously, and is dedicated to being a good example for the team.
When you first introduce yourself to a manager be sure to look them straight in the eye and say hello. Thank them for the opportunity to interview with their company, and show them that you are a serious contender for the job. Take your interviewer seriously and they will take you seriously. When asked to explain who you are and what you do, tell them you are a highly ethical professional with experience and dedication in your field. Prove to them that you consistently present your team and managers with the highest level of integrity and believe that your professional standards are as high as your personal ones.
Character counts; build your career on a foundation of dignity and trust and it will last a lifetime.Labels: Career Builder, Career Guide, character
Opportunities are available nationwide in the medical field.
The aging population has increased the demand for medical services throughout the United States. However, this demand is not only for doctors and nurses. The rise in medical services has also increased the need for medical professionals who are trained to handle the large amounts of documentation and paperwork generated by patients, insurance companies, and doctors.
Below are some of the medical career that are in demand today. Their ability and expertise make them invaluable to the medical industry!
Medical Billers - Medical Billers process all paperwork regarding payment of medical services performed. Medical Billers work directly with medical insurance companies and ensure that all patient bills are sent, received, processed, and paid.
Medical Coders - Medical Coders create and maintain patient records. The codes used in the medical profession are very specific. Medical Coders have a strong knowledge of these codes and use them daily to keep patient records updated and accurate.
Medical Transcriptionists - Medical Transcriptionists help physicians ensure the precision of patient histories, physical examinations, diseases, procedures, laboratory tests, and diagnoses by transcribing the dictation of physicians. Medical Transcriptionists allow physicians to concentrate on the patient rather than filling out paperwork.
Medical Administrative Assistants - Medical Administrative Assistants run the front office of a medical facility. They schedule appointments, handle patient inquiries, and manage the day-to-day operation of the office.Labels: Medical Career, Medical Career List